Lecture: Interaktive Systeme / Interactive Systems (summer 2020)

The lecture Interactive Systems addresses advanced concepts and technologies in the area of human-computer-interaction. The focus will be on beyond-the-desktop interfaces and intelligent user interfaces. The following topics will be discussed:

  • Interactive Information visualizations
  • Tangible Interfaces and Wearables
  • Perceptive interfaces: Speech and gesture-based interaction
  • Multi-modal interaction
  • Intelligent user interfaces: adaptive UIs, activity recognition (includes selected machine learning topics)


Generall HCI literature:

Preim, B., Dachselt, R.: Interaktive Systeme, Bd. 1 und 2, Springer Dix, A.; Finlay, J.; Abowd, G. & Beale, R.: Human-Computer-Interaction. Prentice Hall, 2003 Shneiderman, B.; Plaisant, C. (2009): Designing the User Interface - Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. 5th ed. Pearson

Currently, there is no comprehensive textbook addressing all topics of this lecture! References on special topics will be provided during the course


  • Course language: English
  • Audience: Angewandte Informatik, ISE, Komedia


Jürgen Ziegler

Full Professor