
The Interactive Systems Group studies user interaction in current and future computing environments including desktop computing, Internet and Semantic Web applications, and ambient technologies with an emphasis on intelligent user interfaces, context-awareness, visualization, usability and playfulness.

A visualization lab with high definition 3D projection, an interaction lab with interactive surfaces and tangible interfaces, as well as a usability lab with data recording and an eye-tracking equipment are available for research and student projects.

Publications » PhD theses »


August 1st 2024

Paper wins two awards at INTERACT conference

Our paper Blending Conversational Product Advisors and Faceted Filtering in a Graph-Based Approach authored by Timm Kleemann and Jürgen Ziegler has won both the Best Doctoral Student Paper Award and the Reviewers’ Choice Award at the IFIP TC 13 INTERACT conference held in York, UK. Nice success to receive two awards for one paper!

Intelligent Interactive Systems

This research is guided by the vision of closely coupling user interaction with machine learning and reasoning techniques while keeping the user in control. Several current projects aim at improving recommender systems for electronic business and knowledge work.

Research topics: Recommender Systems, Context-adaptivity, and Smart Mobility Solutions

Visualization and Interaction with Data-centric applications

We investigate novel visual techniques for interacting with very large or complex data sets.

Research topics: Tools for Searching and Exploring Semantic Data, Interfaces for Semantic Data, and Visual Analytics

Personal Analytics and Digital Health

We investigate novel approaches for highly adpative persuasive technology related to health and well-being.

Research topics: Personal Analytics and Health and Serious Games

User-Centred Social Media

Our group participates in the DFG-funded Research Training Group (Graduate School) “User-Centred Social Media” which aims at developing new models and methods for analyzing, designing and evaluating social media from a user-centred perspective.

Research topics: Modelling and Understanding User Behavior and Social Media Engineering

User Interface Engineering and Interaction Design

We look into possibilities to optimize user interface by implementing intelligent adaption mechanisms to adjust the interface and the application contents according to the user behavior.

Research topics: Augmented Reality, Model-based Interfaces, Tangible User Interfaces, User Experience Research, and User Interface Engineering

Playful and Social Interaction

Design principles and interaction styles found in computer games bear a high potential for improving the user experience also in other, more ‘serious’ applications. We apply the concept of playfulness in a range of domains, such as medical and health applications, energy efficiency or smart mobility.

Research topics: Game Design and Analytics and Game Design and Gamification

Workshops and events

June 16, 2025 in New York, USA

Explainable User Models and Personalized Systems (exUM) at ACM UMAP 2025

September 03, 2023 in Rapperswil, Switzerland

4th Workshop on User-Centred Artificial Intelligence

September 04, 2022 in Darmstadt, Germany

Workshop on User-Centered Artificial Intelligence at MuC 2022

All events »

Funded research projects


Simulating Polarization in Social Networks


AI-driven consumer behaviour insights


Interaktive Messelösungen

All projects »

Research developments


Stress resilience, a health recommender system for mental health promotion

PAX Mood Tracker

Mood Tracking: assessment quality vs. app quality

Games with a Purpose for Understanding Latent Factors

Game that helps understanding latent factor models used in recommender systems

All developments »