Funded research projects
The Interactive Systems Group has an extensive record of funded research projects both on an European and national level. Most of the projects are funded by the European Commission, the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) as well as local funding organizations. Our roles within the projects cover project management execution as well as different research and development tasks and work packages.
Related developments are listed on the detail page of each funded research project.

The Eurostars project ACODA develops analytics methods based on machine learning techniques for obtaining insights into customers’ interactive behavior in conversational digital sales assistants. The project is carried out in cooperation with Zoovu (Austria) GmbH, a leading provider of digital sales assistants, and Es-geht Engergiesysteme GmbH. The aim of the Interactive Systems Group in the project is to identify psychological characteristics of users based on their interactions with online sales assistants.

Funded by the EFRE-Program and in cooperation with NFC21, this project aims to the development of an integrated, cloud-based platform with functions that considerably simplify the creation of innovative, customer-centric and experience-oriented trade fair presentations.

The objective of the ASSURE project funded by DFG is to make use of arguments embedded in online reviews to improve the quality and transparency of recommendations and to provide users with a higher level of control over the recommendation process.

The Eurostars funded research project DESUMA (E! 10189) aims to provide a marketplace that contains advisor templates which are easy to customize and integrate, thus enabling small to medium enterprises to facilitate advisors within their systems to improve customer experience and conversion.

The DFG-funded Research Training Group “User-Centred Social Media” aims at developing new models and methods for analyzing, designing and evaluating social media from a user-centred perspective.

The KOLEGEA++ project extends the KOLEGEA web 2.0 platform for professional training in general medicine to include adaptive recommendenders to support cooperative, case-based learning.

The focus of the BMBF-funded project PAnalytics lies on HCI and demografic change. It aims at developing a holistic persuasive self-monitoring system to support healthy aging. It is realized by the competence center Personal Analytics, which is a interdisiplinary team of young researchers from the domains computer engineering, cognitive science, electrical engineering, health science, and applied ethics.

Engage.NRW aims at tranferring game technologies and game concepts to productive economy. The Interactive Systems Research Group pursues this goal through relevant research activities in the field of game design and gamification as well as by offering education and training programs. As second active project partner, the Mülheim & Business GmbH in cooperation with the Wirtschaftsförderung metropoleruhr GmbH is responsible for bringing together companies and game developers in order to foster their economic cooperation.

colognE-mobil II
Ford Werke GmbH, RheinEnergie AG, the City of Cologne, the University of Duisburg-Essen, and others, are forming an expertise consortium in order to explore the multifarious facets of electric mobility and to evaluate customer experiences throughout the project period. The Interactive Systems Research Group is particularly concerned with finding smart navigation solutions, e.g., by personalizing itineraries and improving the support of intermodal mobility chains.

The KOLEGEA project aims at developing and evaluating a concept for professional training as well as a web 2.0 based support system for cooperative learning in professional social networks of medical practitioners in further education.

ECOWEB is a solution for European small and medium enterprises – eco-industries as well as conventional enterprises – to uptake EU-funded eco-innovation results in an easy way. ECOWEB is a user friendly tool for green technology transfer to reach EU companies, to create innovative products and services or improve existing ones and thereby transforming Europe into an Eco-innovation Union.

In the constantly growing e-commerce market, high quality product data is a key requirement for success. The OPDM project explores techniques for semantic representation and management of such data developing user friendly applications for management and creation of ontology-based product catalogues.

GDI Ruhr
The mission of the GDI.Ruhr is to intensely support the games industry in the Ruhr region to tap growth potentials and to increase the visibility and reputation of the region’s companies within and outside the region.

Many elderly people do not accept modern technology based solutions, a major challenge within this project is to develop user interfaces that match the living worlds of the elderly people instead of forcing them to learn concepts and usage pattern that are new to them.

In SoFar, we investigate methods for automatically improving dialogue-based product recommenders by analyzing customer feedback from unstructured sources such as blogs or product reviews.

Ford-Werke GmbH, RheinEnergie AG, the City of Cologne, and the University of Duisburg-Essen are forming an expertise consortium in order to initially develop all aspects of Electric Mobility and to evaluate customer experiences throughout the project period.

The aim of this DFG founded project was the analysis of context adaptive systems for knowledge-intense processes by identifying crucial aspects of situational adaptivity of cooperative systems.

SoftWiki supports, with respect to software requirements, the cooperation of all the people involved in the software development process. Potentially very large and spatially separate stakeholder groups are enabled to gather, semantically enrich, classify and aggregate software requirements in an easy manner.

The Ontoverse platform facilitates the collaborative creation and maintenance of subject-specific ontologies. This is done by interactively storing information in a semantic wiki and by automatically extracting data from technical publications.

The WISE project aimed at developing an integrated method for model- and component-based creation of web applications.