BFBC2 Persona Visualizer
Play Persona in FPS-Games
The BFBC2 Persona Visualizer is a prototypical tool for displaying the tendency towards certain play styles of people playing the video game Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The Play Pasona Model is based on the work of Nick Yee and is demonstrated via a Unity Project on the following Website:
Based on a combination of Yee’s persona questionnaire and game metrical data we aimed at discovering play-personas within a first-person shooter game. Our experiment focused on two questions, which derived from the research findings of Yee:
- Is a modification of Yee’s questionnaire suitable to identify play-personas in fps games?
- Do the play-personas – if identified – relate in some way to the game metrical data?
With help of different statistical operations we could identify two stable personas within the game: The Socializer and the Achiever. Both personas-types tend to use i.e.: different weapons or vehicles and can be used to automatically analyze player styles within the game. The demonstration prototype shows our result and give more information about the project.