Lecture: Info N (winter 2011)
The lecture Info N gives an introduction in the basic concepts and methods of Computer Science, with a focus on new media technologies and applications.
The following topics are discussed in the lecture:
- History of Computer Science
- Computer architecture and operating systems
- Information representation in computers
- Encoding and compression methods
- Programming concepts & data structures
- Sorting algorithms
- Communication networks & Internet
- Databases & SQL
- Website development with (X)HTML and CSS
- Gumm, H.-P. und Sommer, M.:Einführung in die Informatik.Oldenbourg-Verlag, 5. Aufl. 2002
- Herold, H.; Lurz, B.; Wohlrab, J.:Grundlagen der Informatik, Pearson Studium 2007
Additional literature about Petri nets
- Informatik für Ingenieure / Hering, ab Seite 231. In der UB: TUA1982
- Vorlesungen über Informatik, Band 1 / Goos. In der UB: TUA2019
- Informatik: Eine grundlegende Einführung, Band 2 / Broy. In der UB: TUA1908