Werner Gaulke (former member)

Werner Gaulke joined the Interactive Systems Research Group as a researcher after receiving a diploma degree in Computer Science from the University Duisburg-Essen in 2009. His research interests are mainly located in the area of E-commerce. In detail, he explores applications of semantic product data to facilitate advanced methods to search, filter and advice products.

Since he joined the group, Werner has been involved in several funded research projects. In the SoFar project, he explored and developed techniques for the automated evolution of semantic recommender systems by exploiting customer reviews. Within OPDM, he led the design and implementation of a product management system to enable the creation of semantic product ontologies by non-technical users. A recommender system to support learning by recommending related medical cases was created within the KOLEGEA++ project. Currently, he is involved in the DESUMA project, which will create interactive tools to foster the creation of intelligent product advisors.

In addition, Werner enjoys his teaching activities that allow him to transfer research knowledge into lectures and student projects he supports or leads.


Web http://werner.gaulke.net

Selected publications

Rule-enhanced task models for increased expressiveness and compactness

Der IGQ - Ein Messinstrument für die Wirksamkeit von Gamification

Using profiled ontologies to leverage model driven user interface generation

Hybreed: a software framework for developing context-aware hybrid recommender systems

Entwicklung semantischer Produktdatenmodelle durch Domänenexperten: Fehleranalyse und Werkzeugunterstützung

Hybreed: A Software Framework for Developing Context-Aware Hybrid Recommender Systems

Semi-automatic generation of recommendation processes and their GUIs

Interactive Construction of Semantic Widgets for Visualizing Semantic Web Data

Service-Based Recommendations for Context-Aware Navigation Support

Interacting with semantic data by using X3S

Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz von systemgenerierten Produktempfehlungen

Use-Cases zur Validierung generischer Adaptiver Ansätze

Kontextabhängige Empfehlung von Services zur intelligenten Navigationsunterstützung

Improving collaboration by using context views

All 18 publication