Timm Linder (former member)

Timm Linder had joined the Intelligent User Interfaces group as a full-time researcher in February 2012, after having been a student research assistant in the group since 2008. During this time, he had been heavily involved in the development of several prototypes of context-aware recommenders, as well as large parts of the Hybreed Framework. Before graduating from the University of Duisburg-Essen with a diploma in Applied Computer Sciences, he did internships at a financial institution in Düsseldorf and at a major US software company based in Redmond, WA.

Timm Linder’s research focussed on the field of interactive recommender systems. He is also interested in computer and robot vision, image processing/restoration and machine learning.

In 2013, Timm left the Interactive Systems group for the Social Robotics Lab at the University of Freiburg. Since 2016, he is with Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research.


Web http://www.timmlinder.de/


Einflussfaktoren für eine situationsgerechte Navigationsunterstützung im Fahrzeug

Nutzeradaptive Routenführung in Navigationssystemen

Generating Route Instructions with Varying Levels of Detail

Improving collaboration by using context views

A framework and an architecture for context-aware group recommendations

Context-aware Recommendations on Rails