Anna Kötteritzsch (former member)

Working at the Interactive Systems and Interaction Design group, Anna Kötteritzsch focusses on user experience and interaction design. Within this work, her main research interests include innovative interaction concepts on platforms designed for specific users. This includes aspects of usability, user experience as well as community interaction.
While studying in the master program of Applied Cognitive and Media Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Anna Kötteritzsch started working in the group as a student researcher in 2010. During this time, she worked on the project FoSIBLE (Fostering Social Interaction for a Better Life of the Elderly). The aim of this EU funded project is to create smart environments and communities for elderly people.
In November 2011 she joined the group as a researcher, working on the projects EcoWeb and KOLEGEA. Her work in both projects focuses on innovative interaction design for specific user groups (eco agencies and doctors in further education).
anna [dot] koetteritzsch [at] uni-due [dot] de |