Publications related to Open Design Spaces (ODS) : Innovation durch Nutzerbeteiligung.
White paper on Web 2.0 & Enterprise cooperation services based on Web 2.0 principles
Prinz, W., & Budweg, S. (2010). COIN Project Collaboration and Interoperability for Networked Enterprises.
Collaborative environments to support professional communities: a living lab approach
Schaffers, H., Budweg, S., Ruland, R., & Kristensen, K. (2009). In M. L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & I. Paraskakis (Eds.), Leveraging knowledge for innovation in collaborative networks: 10th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises. Springer-Verlag.
Portal modules for groupware systems
Jeners, N., Budweg, S., & Prinz, W. (2009). 5th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing / CD-ROM.
Open design spaces supporting user innovation: perspectives and challenges
Budweg, S., Draxler, S., Lohmann, S., Rashid, A., & Stevens, G. (2009). Open Design Spaces Supporting User Innovation.
"Medium and Mechanism" - Zur Rolle von Koordinatoren in der Praxis.
Budweg, S., Stevens, G., Koch, T., & Törpel, B. (2008). In M. Herczeg & C. M. Kindsmüller (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2008: 8. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive Medien - Viel Mehr Interaktion. Oldenbourg Verlag.
User Involvement and Co-Creation - Exploring Living Labs and Participatory Design in Distributed Contexts
Budweg, S. (2008). CHI 2008 Workshop on Distributed Participatory Design.
Design Communication & Communication Design - Setting up a Virtual Living Lab across Distributed Spheres of Design & Use.
Budweg, S., Törpel, B., & Pipek, V. (2008). 31th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.
Collaboration in and for e-Research: making the ’O’ in virtual organisation work
Voß, A., Procter, R., Budweg, S., & Prinz, W. (2007). German e-Science Conference 2007.
Sozio-technische Infrastrukturen für demokratische Prozesse: Praxis und Perspektiven.
Mambrey, P., Pipek, V., & Budweg, S. (2006). In C. Hochberger & R. Liskovsky (Eds.), Informatik 2006: Informatik für Menschen. Ges. für Informatik.
Kommunikative Vernetzung in der universitären Lehre.
Budweg, S., Fischer, J. E., Mambrey, P., & Pankoke-Babatz, U. (2006). In A. M. Heinecke & H. Paul (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2006: Mensch und Computer im StrukturWandel.
Creating Functionality from the Standpoint of the Subject - From the Objectification of Purposes in Artifacts to the Integration of Contributions in Spaces of Action.
Törpel, B., Poschen, M., Budweg, S., Voß, A., & Burtschick, H.-J. (2006). 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.
Contributing to Functionality - The Case of a Network of Union Educators.
Budweg, S., Törpel, B., Burtschick, H.-J., Pipek, V., & Poschen, M. (2006). 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.
Vernetzte Handlungsräume: Zur Ausgestaltung technisch unterstützter, verteilter Wissensarbeit.
Mambrey, P., Pankoke-Babatz, U., Budweg, S., Poschen, M., & Törpel, B. (2003). In T. Herrmann, K. Shire, & P. Mambrey (Eds.), Wissensgenese, Wissensteilung und Wissensorganisation in der Arbeitspraxis. (1.Auflage ed.). Westdt. Verl.
Creating Sharing and Using Collections of PD Procedures.
Törpel, B., & Budweg, S. (2002). Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2002).
Enhancing collaboration in communities of professionals using a Living Lab approach
Budweg, S., Schaffers, H., Ruland, R., Kristensen, K., & Prinz, W. (2011). Production Planning & Control, 22(5/6), 594–609.

Open Design Spaces Supporting User Innovation: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Open Design Spaces (ODS’09)
Budweg, S., Draxler, S., Lohmann, S., Rashid, A., & Stevens, G. (Eds.). (2009).
A living lab approach for enhancing collaboration in professional communities
Schaffers, H., Budweg, S., Kristensen, K., & Ruland, R. (2009). ICE 2009.
Co-Creation in Distributed ICT Living Labs.
Budweg, S., & Kristensen, K. (2009). Proceedings of the INTERACT 2009 Workshop Towards a Manifesto of Living Lab Co-Creation.
The "BSCWeasel" and Eclipse-powered Cooperative End User Development.
Stevens, G., Budweg, S., & Pipek, V. (2004). Workshop "Eclipse as a Vehicle for CSCW Research" at the Conference on CSCW.
Zur Nutzung einer Kooperationsplattform: Befragung von Nutzenden des BSCW-Systeme.
Törpel, B., Budweg, S., Mambrey, P., Pankoke-Babatz, U., Poschen, M., & Tan, D. (2002). In M. Herczeg, W. Prinz, & H. Oberquelle (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2002 - Vom interaktiven Werkzeug zu kooperativen Arbeits- und Lernwelten. Teubner.
Exploring the Desire to Get in Touch through Social TV Applications
Schering, S., & Budweg, S. (2012). In H. Reiterer & O. Deussen (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2012 : 12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. Oldenbourg.
Fostering Social Interaction in AAL: Methodological reflections on the coupling of real household Living Lab und SmartHome approaches
Budweg, S., Lewkowicz, M., Müller, C., & Schering, S. (2012). i-Com : Zeitschrift Für Interaktive Und Kooperative Medien, 11(3), 30–35.
Fostering Social Interaction with Smart TVs – Results from the FoSIBLE Project
Drobics, M., Budweg, S., & Schering, S. (2012). In A. A. L. Association (Ed.), Proceedings of AAL Forum 2012 - Eindhoven.
Nutzerorientierte Technikforschung und -entwicklung im Feld Ambient Assisted Living: Ergebnisse aus dem AAL-Projekt FoSIBLE
Müller, C., Stein, M., Wan, L., Neufeldt, C., Wulf, V., & Budweg, S. (2012). Zeitschrift Für Gerontologie Und Geriatrie, Suppl. 1.
FoSIBLE: Design of an Integrated Environment for Social Interaction
Drobics, M., Zima, M., Hrg, D., Bobeth, J., & Budweg, S. (2011). ERCIM News, 87, 33–34.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Open Design Spaces (ODS 2010)
Budweg, S., Draxler, S., Lohmann, S., Rashid, A., & Stevens, G. (Eds.). (2010). Internationales Institut für Sozio-Informatik.
Open design spaces: socially crafting interactive experiences
Budweg, S., Draxler, S., Lohmann, S., Rashid, A., & Stevens, G. (2010). DIS ’10: Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems.