Publications related to Zur Nutzung einer Kooperationsplattform: Befragung von Nutzenden des BSCW-Systeme.

Enhancing collaboration in communities of professionals using a Living Lab approach

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Open Design Spaces (ODS 2010)

Open design spaces: socially crafting interactive experiences

White paper on Web 2.0 & Enterprise cooperation services based on Web 2.0 principles

Collaborative environments to support professional communities: a living lab approach

Portal modules for groupware systems

Open design spaces supporting user innovation: perspectives and challenges

Open Design Spaces (ODS) : Innovation durch Nutzerbeteiligung.

"Medium and Mechanism" - Zur Rolle von Koordinatoren in der Praxis.

Design Communication & Communication Design - Setting up a Virtual Living Lab across Distributed Spheres of Design & Use.

Collaboration in and for e-Research: making the ’O’ in virtual organisation work

Sozio-technische Infrastrukturen für demokratische Prozesse: Praxis und Perspektiven.

Kommunikative Vernetzung in der universitären Lehre.

Creating Functionality from the Standpoint of the Subject - From the Objectification of Purposes in Artifacts to the Integration of Contributions in Spaces of Action.

Contributing to Functionality - The Case of a Network of Union Educators.

Vernetzte Handlungsräume: Zur Ausgestaltung technisch unterstützter, verteilter Wissensarbeit.

Creating Sharing and Using Collections of PD Procedures.

Hybrid affective computing: keyboard, mouse and touch screen: from review to experiment

Fuzzy Model of Dominance Emotions in Affective Computing

Getting at the Cognitive Complexity of Linguistic Metadata Annotation: A Pilot Study Using Eye-Tracking

A Cognitive Cost Model of Annotations Based on Eye-Tracking Data

A living lab approach for enhancing collaboration in professional communities

Co-Creation in Distributed ICT Living Labs.

E-Quest: Ein Online-Befragungswerkzeug für Web Usability

The "BSCWeasel" and Eclipse-powered Cooperative End User Development.

Usability Engineering für web-basierte Applikationen

Intuitive Human-Computer Interaction - Towards a User-Friendly Information Society

Usability Engineering für Web-basierte Applikationen

Creativity support in system and process design

Can standards and guidelines promote Universal Access?

Standards for multimedia user interfaces - opportunities and issues

Human-Computer Interaction: Ergonomics and User Interfaces

Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems

Interactive Techniques

Prototyping als Vorgehenweise zur GUI-Entwicklung

Objektorientierter Entwurf graphischer Benutzungsschnittstellen

Benutzergerechte Software-Gestaltung