Publications related to Gestaltungsdimensionen im interaktiven digitalen Storytelling

Spielerverhalten und Storyerzeugung in interaktiven Spielumgebungen am Beispiel der Grimmix Story-Engine

A Design Space for Interactive Digital Storytelling

Kompetenzentwicklung und Wissensmanagement durch situiertes Lernen in Massive Multiplayer Online Games

Perception of System- and Human-driven Character Behaviour in Digital Games

Measuring the impact of game controllers on player experience in FPS games

LAIF: A Logging and Interaction Framework for Gaze-Based Interfaces in Virtual Entertainment Environments

Entertainment Interfaces Track: Preface

Einsatz von Serious Games zur Förderung des Selbstmanagements

Gameplay experience testing with playability and usability surveys – An experimental pilot study

Bringing Digital Games to User Research and User Experience

Untersuchung des Einflusses rationaler und emotionaler Faktoren bei der Entscheidungsfindung in virtuellen Spielwelten

Messung der Nutzungseffizienz bei Game-Interfaces unter Berücksichtigung von Blickbewegungen

Playability and Player Experience Research

Spielend Lernen! Spielend Lernen? Eine empirische Annäherung an die Möglichkeiten einer Synthese von Spielen und Lernen

Playful Computing

ARTierchen - Augmented Reality in Touch

Serious games for health: An empirical study of the game “Balance” for teenagers with diabetes mellitus

Merobrixx – Mental Rotation Bricks: A serious game for cognitive training

Proceedings of the Entertainment Interfaces Track 2010 at Interaktive Kulturen 2010

Marrying Game Development with Knowledge Management: Challenges and Potentials

Förderung der Nutzerinnovation im Rahmen digitaler Spiele durch intuitive Werkzeuge am Beispiel des Game Prototyping Frameworks

Challenges and Potentials of User Involvement in the Process of Creating Games

Towards Continuous Integration of Knowledge Management into Game Development

Preface to the special issue on news personalization and analytics

Knowledge Graph-Based Integration of Conversational Advisors and Faceted Filtering

Assessing the Utility of an Interaction Qualities Framework in Systematizing the Evaluation of User Control

Exploring Categorizations of Algorithmic Affordances in Graphical User Interfaces of Recommender Systems

Design Ideas for Recommender Systems in Flexible Education: How Algorithmic Affordances May Address Ethical Concerns

ExUM 2024 - 6th Workshop on Explainable User Modeling and Personalised Systems

Exploring the Potential of Generative AI for Augmenting Choice-Based Preference Elicitation in Recommender Systems

Second Workshop on Engineering Interactive Systems Embedding AI Technologies

Exploring the Potential of Generative AI for Augmenting Choice-Based Preference Elicitation in Recommender Systems

A Multi-perspective Panel on User-Centred Transparency, Explainability, and Controllability in Automations

Interactive Recommendation Systems

Initiative transfer in conversational recommender systems

5th Workshop on Explainable User Models and Personalised Systems (ExUM)

A Framework for Analyzing and Calibrating Trust in Automated Vehicles

Welcome to EICS 2015

Normal Users Cooperating on Process Models: Is It Possible at All?

Supporting social tasks of individuals: A matter of access to cooperation systems

Matchballs – A multi-agent-system for ontology-based collaborative learning games

Formal modeling of multi-user interfaces in cooperative work

Enabling and Evaluating Mobile Learning Scenarios with Multiple Input Channels

3rd Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems (SEMAIS)

Training conflict management in a collaborative virtual environment

Collaboration and Technology: 18th International Conference, CRIWG 2012 Raesfeld, Germany, September 16-19, 2012 Proceedings

Faceted Visual Exploration of Semantic Data

Semantic web meets UI: Context-adaptive interaction with semantic data

Context-adaptive interaction for collaborative work

Group context-based adaptations for recommendation

Facet Graphs: Complex Semantic Querying Made Easy

Automatische Themenextraktion aus gesprochener Sprache

Echtzeit-Visualisierungs-Editor fuer deskriptive Verhaltensprotokolle

Brauchen Interface-Agenten Emotionen


Managing human-computer interaction and emerging issues

Intuitive interaction in complex informaiton spaces - Results and exploitation of INVITE

Modeling Cooperative Work Processes - A Multiple Perspectives Framework

Matrix Browser as a New Interactive Visualization for Large Networked Information Spaces

Simulating recognition errors in speech user interface prototyping

Realisierung einer laserbasierten Interaktionstechnik für Projektionswände

Intuitive human-computer interaction for a networked information world (INVITE) - Research approaches and results

Entwicklungstrends im Bereich Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction: Communication, Cooperation, and Application Design

Playful Crowdsourcing for Energy-Efficient Automotive Navigation