Publications related to Adaptive presentation of itineraries in navigation systems by means of semantic models

Adaptive Routenbeschreibungen für Navigationssysteme

Nutzeradaptive Routenführung in Navigationssystemen

Generating Route Instructions with Varying Levels of Detail

Elektromobilität braucht intelligente Navigation

Einflussfaktoren für eine situationsgerechte Navigationsunterstützung im Fahrzeug

Service-Based Recommendations for Context-Aware Navigation Support

Improving navigation support by taking care of drivers’ situational needs

Automated Generation of a Faceted Navigation Interface Using Semantic Models

Playful Crowdsourcing for Energy-Efficient Automotive Navigation

Kontextabhängige Empfehlung von Services zur intelligenten Navigationsunterstützung

Adaptive presentation of itineraries in navigation systems by means of semantic models