Jörg Niesenhaus (former member)

Joerg Niesenhaus is engaged in several research activities within the context of interactive digital games, user experience (UX) and entertainment computing. He is also responsible for the usability lab activities of the chair and has a long-time experience in user studies and expert reviews. Since 2010 Joerg is project leader of the Game Technology Competence Center NRW (GTCC.NRW) which is part of the Game Development Initiative Ruhr (GDI.Ruhr). The main objective of the GTCC.NRW is the transfer of technology and knowledge between the games industry and scientific research. Joerg holds a Master of Science in Applied Communication and Media Science with computer science being his major subject. He started working at the chair in 2003 and is a PhD candidate since 2007.

His research interests are:

Playability & Game Experience: Together with his colleagues Joerg applies different methods of user experience (UX) research within the application area of digital games and interactive entertainment. Within research and development projects together with game development studios and publishers Joerg performed game usability & playability studies, used and analyzed game usability heuristics and did player experience research based on eye-tracking data. Current research focuses on the impact of game interfaces on the player experience, combining game metrics analysis and questionnaires with user tests.

User Innovation and User-Generated Content: Together with students and colleagues Joerg works on a game prototyping framework, which shall enable players to create not only game-related content but also their own game prototypes. This project incorporates different methods and technologies of visual programming, end-user development and game development tools.

Health & Serious Games: Together with partners from the social psychology research group of our university and the children`s clinic of the LMU Munich we are developing prototypes for Health Games which shall improve the self-management process of teenage patients with insulin-dependent diabetes (diabetes mellitus).




Selected publications

Analysis and Classification of Serious Games for Elderly

2DGree: Rapid Prototyping for Games

Measuring the impact of game controllers on player experience in FPS games

Serious games for health: An empirical study of the game “Balance” for teenagers with diabetes mellitus

Playful Crowdsourcing for Energy-Efficient Automotive Navigation

Merobrixx – Mental Rotation Bricks: A serious game for cognitive training

LAIF: A Logging and Interaction Framework for Gaze-Based Interfaces in Virtual Entertainment Environments

Entertainment Interfaces Track: Preface

Einsatz von Serious Games zur Förderung des Selbstmanagements

Serious Interface Design for Dental Health: WiiMote-based Tangible Interaction for School Children

Proceedings of the Entertainment Interfaces Track 2010 at Interaktive Kulturen 2010

Kompetenzentwicklung und Wissensmanagement durch situiertes Lernen in Massive Multiplayer Online Games

Gameplay experience testing with playability and usability surveys – An experimental pilot study

Bringing Digital Games to User Research and User Experience

All 30 publication