Publications related to MyMovieMixer: Ein hybrider Recommender mit visuellem Bedienkonzept
Merging Interactive Information Filtering and Recommender Algorithms: Model and Concept Demonstrator
Loepp, B., Herrmanny, K., & Ziegler, J. (2015). i-Com, 14(1), 5–17.
Blended Recommending: Integrating Interactive Information Filtering and Algorithmic Recommender Techniques
Loepp, B., Herrmanny, K., & Ziegler, J. (2015). Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15), 975–984.
Choice-based Preference Elicitation for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
Loepp, B., Hussein, T., & Ziegler, J. (2014). Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’14), 3085–3094.
Interaktive Empfehlungsgenerierung mit Hilfe latenter Produktfaktoren
Loepp, B., Hussein, T., & Ziegler, J. (2013). Mensch & Computer 2013 – Tagungsband, 17–26.
Interactive Methods for Model-based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
Loepp, B. (2021). [PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen].
Enhancing an Interactive Recommendation System with Review-based Information Filtering
Feuerbach, J., Loepp, B., Barbu, C.-M., & Ziegler, J. (2017). Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS ’17), 1884, 2–9.
User-centered recommender systems
Ziegler, J., & Loepp, B. (2023). In M. Augstein, E. Herder, & W. Wörndl (Eds.), Personalized Human-Computer Interaction (2nd ed., pp. 33–58). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Ziegler, J., & Loepp, B. (2020). In T. Kollmann (Ed.), Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft (pp. 717–741). Springer Gabler.
On User Awareness in Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems
Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2017). Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Awareness Interfaces and Interactions (AWARE ’17).
How Users Ride the Carousel: Exploring the Design of Multi-List Recommender Interfaces From a User Perspective
Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2023). RecSys ’23: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems.
Towards Multi-Method Support for Product Search and Recommending
Kleemann, T., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2022). Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’22), 74–79.
Towards Interactive Recommending in Model-based Collaborative Filtering Systems
Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2019). Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’19), 546–547.
Explaining Recommendations by Means of User Reviews
Donkers, T., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2018). Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Explainable Smart Systems (ExSS ’18).
Sequential User-based Recurrent Neural Network Recommendations
Donkers, T., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2017). Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’17), 152–160.
Interactive Recommending: Framework, State of Research and Future Challenges
Loepp, B., Barbu, C.-M., & Ziegler, J. (2016). Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Engineering Computer-Human Interaction in Recommender Systems (EnCHIReS ’16), 3–13.
Tag-Enhanced Collaborative Filtering for Increasing Transparency and Interactive Control
Donkers, T., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2016). Proceedings of the 24th Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’16), 169–173.
On the Use of Feature-based Collaborative Explanations: An Empirical Comparison of Explanation Styles
Naveed, S., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2020). ExUM ’20: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Transparent Personalization Methods Based on Heterogeneous Personal Data, 226–232.
Measuring the Impact of Recommender Systems – A Position Paper on Item Consumption in User Studies
Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2019). Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Impact of Recommender Systems (ImpactRS ’19).
LittleMissFits: Ein Game-With-A-Purpose zur Evaluierung subjektiver Verständlichkeit von latenten Faktoren in Empfehlungssystemen
Kunkel, J., Loepp, B., Dolff, E., & Ziegler, J. (2019). Mensch Und Computer 2019 – Workshopband, 49–56.
Recommending Running Routes: Framework and Demonstrator
Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2018). Proceedings of the 2nd Second Workshop on Recommendation in Complex Scenarios (ComplexRec ’18), 26–29.
Understanding Latent Factors Using a GWAP
Kunkel, J., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2018). Proceedings of the Late-Breaking Results Track Part of the Twelfth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’18).
Ein Online-Spiel zur Benennung latenter Faktoren in Empfehlungssystemen
Kunkel, J., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2018). Mensch Und Computer 2018 – Tagungsband.
Towards Understanding Latent Factors and User Profiles by Enhancing Matrix Factorization with Tags
Donkers, T., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2016). Poster Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’16).
Merging Latent Factors and Tags to Increase Interactive Control of Recommendations
Donkers, T., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2015). Poster Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’15).
A conceptual model and a software framework for developing context aware hybrid recommender systems
Hussein, T. (2013). Hut.
A Context-Aware Shopping Portal Based on Semantic Models
Hussein, T., Linder, T., & Ziegler, J. (2013). In T. Hussein, H. Paulheim, S. Lukosch, J. Ziegler, & G. Calvary (Eds.), Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems. Springer.
Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz von systemgenerierten Produktempfehlungen
Hussein, T., Gaulke, W., Hartmann, A., & Ziegler, J. (2010). In J. Ziegler & A. Schmidt (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2010 (1st ed.). Oldenbourg.
Adapting web sites by spreading activation in ontologies
Hussein, T., & Ziegler, J. (2008). ReColl ’08: Int. Workshop on Recommendation and Collaboration (in Conjunction with IUI 2008).
Interactive Recommending with Tag-Enhanced Matrix Factorization (TagMF)
Loepp, B., Donkers, T., Kleemann, T., & Ziegler, J. (2019). International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 121, 21–41.
A 3D Item Space Visualization for Presenting and Manipulating User Preferences in Collaborative Filtering
Kunkel, J., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2017). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’17), 3–15.
Supporting users in setting effective goals in activity tracking
Herrmanny, K., Ziegler, J., Dogangün, A., & PERSUASIVE 2016. (2016). In A. Meschtscherjakov, B. De Ruyter, V. Fuchsberger, M. Murer, & M. Tscheligi (Eds.), Persuasive Technology: 11th International Conference ; PERSUASIVE 2016 ; Salzburg, Austria, April 5-7, 2016 ; Proceedings (Vol. 9638, pp. 15–26). Springer International Publishing.
3D-Visualisierung zur Eingabe von Präferenzen in Empfehlungssystemen
Kunkel, J., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2015). Mensch Und Computer 2015 – Tagungsband, 123–132.
Hybreed: A Software Framework for Developing Context-Aware Hybrid Recommender Systems
Hussein, T., Linder, T., Gaulke, W., & Ziegler, J. (2014). User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, 24(1), 121–174.
Situationsgerechtes Recommending – Kontextadaptive, hybride Empfehlungsgenerierung
Hussein, T., & Ziegler, J. (2011). Informatik Spektrum, 34(2), 143–152.
A framework and an architecture for context-aware group recommendations
Hussein, T., Linder, T., Gaulke, W., & Ziegler, J. (2010). In G. Kolfschoten, T. Herrmann, & S. Lukosch (Eds.), Collaboration and Technology: 16th International Conference, CRIWG 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 20-23, 2010. Proceedings. Springer.
Context-adaption based on ontologies and spreading activation
Hussein, T., Westheide, D., & Ziegler, J. (2007). In A. Hinneburg (Ed.), LWA 2007: Lernen – Wissen – Adaption.
Maßarbeit statt Konfektion - Kontextadaption liefert passgenaue Informationen
Ziegler, J., Kaltz, W. J., Lohmann, S., & Hussein, T. (2006). Forum Forschung, 42–47.
How Users Ride the Carousel: Exploring the Design of Multi-List Recommender Interfaces From a User Perspective
Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2023). In J. Zhang & L. Chen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2023 (pp. 1090–1095). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
Multi-list interfaces for recommender systems: Survey and future directions
Loepp, B. (2023). Frontiers in Big Data, 6.
An Interactive Hybrid Approach to Generate Explainable and Controllable Recommendations
Naveed, S. (2021). [PhD thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen].
2nd International Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems (SEMAIS 2011)
Hussein, T., Lukosch, S., Ziegler, J., Paulheim, H., & Calvary, G. (2011). IUI 2011: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 467–468.
1st international workshop on semantic models for adaptive interactive systems (SEMAIS 2010)
Hussein, T., Lukosch, G. S., Ziegler, J., & Dix, A. (2010). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 437–438.
Modeling and exploiting context for adaptive collaboration
Haake, M. J., Hussein, T., Joop, B., Lukosch, S., Veiel, D., & Ziegler, J. (2010). International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 19(1-2), 71–120.
Modeling User Interaction at the Convergence of Filtering Mechanisms, Recommender Algorithms and Advisory Components
Kleemann, T., Wagner, M., Loepp, B., & Ziegler, J. (2021). Mensch Und Computer 2021 – Tagungsband, 531–543.
Impact of Consuming Suggested Items on the Assessment of Recommendations in User Studies on Recommender Systems
Loepp, B., Donkers, T., Kleemann, T., & Ziegler, J. (2019). Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’19), 6201–6205.
Impact of Item Consumption on Assessment of Recommendations in User Studies
Loepp, B., Donkers, T., Kleemann, T., & Ziegler, J. (2018). Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’18), 49–53.