Publications related to A Context-Aware Shopping Portal Based on Semantic Models

Adapting web sites by spreading activation in ontologies

Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems

Hybreed: A Software Framework for Developing Context-Aware Hybrid Recommender Systems

A framework and an architecture for context-aware group recommendations

Context-adaption based on ontologies and spreading activation

Choice-based Preference Elicitation for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems

Context Modeling for Adaptive Collaboration

Context-aware Recommendations on Rails

Recommending Running Routes: Framework and Demonstrator

Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz von systemgenerierten Produktempfehlungen

Modeling and exploiting context for adaptive collaboration

Hybride, kontext-sensitive Generierung von Produktempfehlungen

Context-aware Recommendations

An Interactive Hybrid Approach to Generate Explainable and Controllable Recommendations

Service-Based Recommendations for Context-Aware Navigation Support

2nd International Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems (SEMAIS 2011)

1st international workshop on semantic models for adaptive interactive systems (SEMAIS 2010)

Modeling and exploiting context for adaptive collaboration

An approach towards personalized user interfaces for smart homes

Adaptive Nutzerschnittstelle für intelligente Wohnumgebungen

Generating semantic contexts from spoken conversation in meetings

Contextualizing search results in networked directories

Matrix Browser - Visualizing and exploring large networked information spaces

Interactive Construction of Semantic Widgets for Visualizing Semantic Web Data

Interacting with semantic data by using X3S

Kontextabhängige Empfehlung von Services zur intelligenten Navigationsunterstützung

Improving collaboration by using context views

Ontologiebasiertes Engineering kontextadaptiver Webanwendungen

User-centered recommender systems

A comparative study of item space visualizations for recommender systems

Development of an Instrument for Measuring Users’ Perception of Transparency in Recommender Systems

Mensch-Computer-Interaktion als zentrales Gebiet der Informatik: Bestandsaufnahme, Trends und Herausforderungen


Featuristic: An interactive hybrid system for generating explainable recommendations – Beyond system accuracy

Leveraging Arguments in User Reviews for Generating and Explaining Recommendations

Challenges in User-Centered Engineering of AI-based Interactive Systems

Feature-driven interactive recommendations and explanations with collaborative filtering approach

To explain or not to explain: the effects of personal characteristics when explaining feature-based recommendations in different domains

Pattern-based analysis of SPARQL queries from the LSQ dataset

On User Awareness in Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Systems

Hybreed: a software framework for developing context-aware hybrid recommender systems

MyMovieMixer: Ein hybrider Recommender mit visuellem Bedienkonzept

Data-Centric Interactions on the Web

Adaptive presentation of itineraries in navigation systems by means of semantic models

Facet Graphs: Complex semantic querying made easy

Explanation of spreading activation based recommendations

ListGraph: Visuelle Analyse von RDF-Daten

iMERGE: Interactive Ontology Merging

Handling the Complexity of RDF Data: Combining List and Graph Visualization

Visualisierung und Editieren komplexer Ontologien mit einer adaptiven Baum-Komponente

Interaktives Vergleichen und Zusammenführen von Ontologien

Collaborative ontology development - Distributed architecture and visualization

Bringing Semantics into Folksonomies – Semantische Analyse nutzergenerierter Indexierungen

Supporting systematic usage of context in Web applications

Visualizing and exploring large networked information spaces with Matrix Browser

Matrix Browser - Visualisierung und Exploration vernetzter Informationsräume

Semantic lenses: exploring large information spaces more efficiently

How Users Ride the Carousel: Exploring the Design of Multi-List Recommender Interfaces From a User Perspective

Blending Conversational Product Advisors and Faceted Filtering in a Graph-Based Approach

Towards Multi-Method Support for Product Search and Recommending

Health Recommender Systems for Mental Health Promotion

Integrating Behavior Change and Persuasive Design Theories into an Example Mobile Health Recommender System

ConvEx-DS: A Dataset for Conversational Explanations in Recommender Systems

Identifying Group-Specific Mental Models of Recommender Systems: A Novel Quantitative Approach

Effects of Interactivity and Presentation on Review-Based Explanations for Recommendations

Acceptance of an AR-Based In-Store Shopping Advisor: The Impact of Psychological User Characteristics

Argumentative explanations for recommendations - Effect of display style and profile transparency

NewsViz: Depicting and Controlling Preference Profiles Using Interactive Treemaps in News Recommender Systems

Exploring Mental Models for Transparent and Controllable Recommender Systems: A Qualitative Study

Towards Interactive Recommending in Model-based Collaborative Filtering Systems

Multi-criteria rating-based preference elicitation in health recommender systems

Augmented Reality Based Recommending in the Physical World

Argumentation-based explanations in recommender systems: Conceptual framework and empirical results

Explaining Recommendations by Means of User Reviews

Improving the Shopping Experience with an Augmented Reality-Enhanced Shelf

Investigating Learnability, User Performance, and Preferences of the Path Query Language SemwidgQL Compared to SPARQL

Towards a Design Space for Personalizing the Presentation of Recommendations

Sequential User-based Recurrent Neural Network Recommendations

User Model Dimensions for Personalizing the Presentation of Recommendations

Hootle+: A Group Recommender System Supporting Preference Negotiation

Interactive Recommending: Framework, State of Research and Future Challenges

Tag-Enhanced Collaborative Filtering for Increasing Transparency and Interactive Control

Preference Elicitation and Negotiation in a Group Recommender System

Entwicklung semantischer Produktdatenmodelle durch Domänenexperten: Fehleranalyse und Werkzeugunterstützung

Group context-based adaptations for recommendation

A framework for context-based adaptation (for collaboration)

InteractiveExtractor: Durchgängige Unterstützung bei der Extraktion von anforderungsrelevanten Informationen

Integrierte und kontextualisierte Erfassung von Nutzeranforderungen

Exploring Relationships between Annotated Images with the ChainGraph Visualization

gFacet: A Browser for the Web of Data

Semantic Integrator: Semi-Automatically Enhancing Social Semantic Web Environments

Degree-of-interest visualization for ontology exploration

Eine komponentenorientierte Architektur für die kontext-sensitive Adaption von Web-Anwendungen

A conceptual model for context-aware Web engineering

Einflussfaktoren für eine situationsgerechte Navigationsunterstützung im Fahrzeug